Tuesday, December 13, 2011

girl power

There was yet another fight at school today. I wasn't there but I saw a video on youtube. It turns out a very brave girl broke up the fight. My reaction to this: ROCK ON. In no way to I support fighting, especially when it happens over NOTHING. But honestly, I will forever look up to this girl. Out of a whole group of scum bag guys who were watching and cheering on the fight, the girl steeped up and not only broke up the fight, but sent everyone on their way. This on one strong, brave, kick-ass girl! Can someone say respect?

I am grateful for this awesome girl for not only doing a good deed by breaking up a stupid fight, but also for breaking the stereotype that girls are weak and useless, or at least for breaking that stereotype at our school.

Rock on my friend <3

sick days

So this morning I woke up a bit late and thought screw it- I'm not going to school today. I felt like shit and just wasn't up for pointless classes at my ghetto school. Oh how positive I sound today :D So basically I slept/ate pizza/went on webkinz all day. I'm actually the coolest person I know.

Today I am thankful for warm, cozy beds to snuggle up in when I'm feeling sick!

I should probably shower now....

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Winter Project

Last Christmas, mom taught me how to crochet, and got me a bunch of really pretty wool so that I could let the creative juices flow. I worked really hard trying to make a blanket, but stopped shortly after Christmas break. Well I found the ball of wool in my closet and have decided to continue with my blanket :) It's so soft, and the wool is really pretty. I hope I can finish it while the weather is still cold, so I can snuggle up with my chihuahua, a cup of Rolo hot chocolate, and a hand made blanket :)

Today, I am grateful for my strong, wise, intelligent mom. She always knows how to handle situations, even the tough ones. I feel as though sometimes I take her for granted, and honestly I am just so happy that she is here for me forever & always.

On a side note, I just downloaded a bunch of new music on my computer (yay!), but my iPod decided it didn't want to sync! I spent 3 hours last night trying everything I could think of, and still nothing! I'm just glad it still charges and works- even if it is outdated music!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


It seems like right now in my life, there's a whole lot of change. There are the small things, like I rearranged my room today, and the fact that it actually snowed the other day. Then there are bigger things. It has been one week as of Friday that J. and I broke up. The weirdest thing about the whole ordeal is that I'm not upset. I was a little upset when it happened, but with the help of little big planet, and Cort, I was over it by the morning. I guess any feelings I had for him were long gone by the time we actually broke up. So here's to starting a new chronicle of my life, J.-free.

Today I am grateful for my bedroom. Shallow? Not at all. My bedroom is my sanctuary and sacred space, and I am so grateful to be able to find peace here. Don't get me wrong, I totally love hanging out with mom watching horror movies in the living room and what not, but it's nice to have a quiet space :)

Anywho, it's Sunday, which means I have a pile of homework awaiting me! Oh the joys of grade 10!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Take Two

Okay so this is my second attempt at actually using my blog. My goal: blog at least two times a week, include one think I am grateful for in every post, and write about absolutely everything.

Today, I am grateful for my family (mom, chihuahua bella, and my cortney). These are the people who brighten my day and make me, me. Certain events in my life have made me realize the value of friendship, and how important a support system is, and that's why I am truly grateful for these
amazing people (plus dog).

on a side note, I can't believe that winter is here. I dislike snow, but we're cute.